
Dream Basics

The Basics

Here’s what I know about dreams:

  • They can be frightening, exciting, wonderful and everything in between.
  • They almost always seem “crazy” and they are often bewildering.
  • They allow us insight into our deepest self.
  • They push us toward health and wholeness.
  • They are essential to better understanding who we are and who we can become.
  • They sometimes show us glimpses of the future.

A New Perspective

Dreams have always played an important role in my spiritual life.  I remember dreams from childhood and am still directed by my dreams today.

  But what about you?

Do you remember any of your dreams?  Has a dream ever made you wake up with a new perspective on a tough situation? If so, then you’re not alone.

A Historical Perspective underground-railroad-hero-H

Throughout history dreams have played significant and even major roles in the decisions of movers and shakers around the globe.

  • Harriet Tubman claimed that she was influenced regularly on leading runaway slaves through various hideout safe spots on the Underground Railroad by her dreams.
  • General George Patton made numerous military tactical decisions based on dreams.  He frequently awakens in the middle of the night and called his personal secretary Joe Rosevich, to deliver military maneuvers.
  • Ghandi was led by the influence of nighttime dreams to start the nonviolent worker strikes which greatly catalyzed the India Independence movement.  [Castle, p22-26]

Dreams in the Bible

For Jews and Christians, the Bible is replete with dream occurrences.  Some of these might seem familiar such as Jacob’s dream of a ladder with angels descending and ascending (Gen 28:12) or the Hebrew Bible’s dream interpretations by Joseph (Gen 40-41).  In the New Testament God foretells the coming of a son and messiah to a different Joseph by f5c9649797abd159155b48d6b4d029f1dream ( Matt 1: 20) and later warns this same Joseph to protect Mary and the infant messiah, Jesus, to escape into Egypt ( Matt 2:13).  The early Christian Church movement was greatly helped by Emperor Constantine who dreamt that Jesus commanded him to lead an upcoming battle with a new banner and shields marked with a new insignia.  Not only was Constantine triumphant in the battle but he ended the major persecution of Christians and later converted to Christianity.

Those Crazy Dreams

Understanding what dreams mean can feel daunting. Spending time on journaling dreams can be cumbersome.  Still, when I take time to invest in remembering and deciphering my dreams I am consistently rewarded with new insights. Perhaps you’re looking for some new ideas yourself.

The first statement most people make about their dreams, if they can remember them in the first place, is that, “they’re crazy!”  People are often too embarrassed to discuss their dreams or have repressed their dreaming life to the point that they rarely, if ever, remember having one.

Then, there are those who say that they don’t dream at all.  What I’ve learned in various dream groups is that anyone can learn to remember their dreams.  Not only that, once someone begins to remember their dreams for the first time, on a consistent basis, it can be revolutionary for their lives.

I first began an intentional study of dreams and dream interpretation while a junior at college.  Ten years later, I am still studying the art of dream interpretation.

Want to experience dreams changing your perspective? 

Follow one of the applications below:

Processed with Rookie Cam


L1 :make a list of any and all dreams that you can recall throughout your life, then circle any that you think had an impact on your journey.

L2 & L3: Follow the application for L1 then start keeping a dream journal for the following month to see if any new dreams begin to impact your current life situation.

May the Road Rise Up to Meet Y’all,

Rev. Wren Clanton


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